Bei den Kollegen von Complex gibt es eine Liste “The 50 Worst Rap Album Fails”. Damit Ihr euch nicht lange durchklicken müsst: Auf Platz 1 ist mit einem vernichtenden Urteil “Nastradamus” (1999) von Nas gelandet:
What can we say about this album that hasn’t already been said in the past? Nastradamus is the epitome of what a rap album fail is. From the piss-poor beat selection to the scatter-brained concepts to the obvious commercial attempts to straight up terrible rhyming, Nastradamus was Nas at his worst. We’re willing to bet if Nas had never made Nastradamus, Jay-Z would have never had the balls to diss him on “Takeover.” It’s just too bad Nas couldn’t have predicted this album would suck—and live as an ugly stain on his track record—before he put it out.
Bei dem Album geb ich den Jungs und Mädels von Complex recht. Bei anderen Alben bin ich nicht ganz ihrer Meinung.
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