Cold Cave

Cold Cave

Hardcore-Legende Wesley Eisold von der Brooklyner Goth-Wave-Formation Cold Cave hat gerade via Altered Zones einen düsteren Mix zum Download bereitgestellt. Eisold hat auffällig viele deutsche Bands aus den frühen 80ern, wie Leben Und Arbeiten und Schatten Unter Eis, und Floating Di Morel aus den frühen 90ern, die klingen als wäre Lou Reed mit Velvet Underground auf Can getroffen, gewählt. Eisold äußert sich dazu selbst so: „This is just a group of songs I end up listening to in my apartment a lot, either separately or as part of a record. There are two Floatind di Morel songs because I often let the A-side of the More Memory Than Now LP play over and over and these two songs are back-to-back. I have a few copies of this record in case it gets worn out one day. I don’t know that I could say what it is exactly that I connected with in this record but I think more people should know of them. [...] There are a few songs by German bands on here. I like the way they feel and I like Germany.“

Das neue Cold Cave Album Cherish The Light Years erscheint übrigens am 4. April.

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