Cambodia: ECCC in financial crisis.

The Khmer Rouge tribunal is in a financial crisis, too. In addition to the politically motivated power-play between the Cambodian Government and th UN Khmer Rouge Tribunal about procedures and judge nominations.

Cambodia: ECCC in financial crisis.

ECCC - The KRT (The Khmer Rouge Tribunal)

Unpaid local staff.

Cambodian staff being told they will not receive their salaries for January and Cambodian judges remaining unpaid since October 2011.

Three weeks into the new financial year, no donor countries have yet committed any new funds to the tribunal for the year 2012.

Budget plan 2012-2013.

Tribunal administrative staff are scheduled to fly to New York at the end of this month or early February to request further financial assistance from UN headquarters, and submit the tribunal budget plan for 2012-2013.

150 million US$ spent since 2006.

Since the tribunal began operations in 2006, it has spent a total of US$149.9 million, with $34 million being allocated to the Cambodian side and $115 million to the international side.

Japan mos generous.

Of the $149.9 million, Japan has been the most generous donor, contributing a total of $70.57 million to the courts operations between 2006 and 2011. The Royal Government of Cambodia is the second largest donor, pledging a total of $13.4 million over the past five years, as well as additional costs associated with the tribunal’s detention facility.

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