When the mind recognizes itself to actually be the perfect and fully empowered Buddha Mind, the absolute certainty of that, is a quality of the Buddha Mind itself.
I say "fully empowered", because it's also recognized that it's dimension of experience is constantly arising as its own potent creativity.
A sudden shift occurs at the moment of this recognition; the conventional self identity is seen as a direct creative act of the True Self, or Buddha Mind, but as seen from the perspective OF the Buddha Mind.
In that moment the conventional self vanishes leaving only the pristine Buddha Mind in its natural condition of knowing itself through its own intrinsic wisdom.
All that I am doing here with my writings and retreats is to afford the possibility that everyone can also experience and know what has arisen here with the same total certainty, great joy and release.
Keep it simple! Even more simple than simple!
As my Zen master in China pointed out to me:
"To try to simplify it is already to make it hopelessly complex!"
May all beings prosper!
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Self When Even Buddha Mind Buddha Mind True Dharma Keep China holospirit