Mit den beiden Fotos die ich euch heute zeige bin ich eigentlich ganz zufrieden. Beim ersten ärgere ich mich nur im nachhinein, dass ich den Fotos nicht auf das Paar links sondern auf den Spaziergänger in der Mitte gelegt habe. Aber man lernt ja bekanntlich aus Fehlern und ich finde die beiden Bilder trotzdem schön.
Was sagt ihr dazu, wie gefallen euch die beiden Bilder?
E At one of my numerous beach walks at my weekend in Denmark suddenly there was a lot of fog coming from the sea. A pretty crazy phenomenon, because first the sun was shining and in the next second everything was lost in fog. First of all I thought about how good this motive would look in black and white. So I whipped my camera out and took some photos of other strollers vanishing in the fog. As fast as the fog arose, it was gone again.
I'm pretty happy with the two photos I'm showing you right now. Maybe the first one would look better with it's focus on the two walkers in the foreground, but I can't change this anyway.
What do you think, do you like the two pictures?