Berlin Fashion Week Outfit

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

fotos by Laura

Bershka Palazzo Pants (similar here, here) // Parallel Lines Croptop (get it here) // UGG Plateau Sliders (similar here, here) // Marc B. Bag (similar here) // Quay Sunglasses (get it here) // Gaspard Sartre Watch

Hallo ihr Lieben. Wir ihr ja wahrscheinlich schon mitbekommen habt, waren wir in der vergangenen Woche auf der Fashion Week unterwegs. Während Laura euch am vergangenen Mittwoch ihren ersten Look der Modewoche gezeigt hat, beginne ich heute mit meinem Outfit von unserem  letzten Tag. Neben den Schauen, die natürlich schön zu besuchen sind, ist es auch immer spannend andere Bloggermädels kennenzulernen und bekannte Bloggermädels wiederzusehen. An dieser Stelle möchte ich gerne auf Ruth, Diana, Nele und nochmal Ruth verweisen, mit welchen wir eine besonders schöne Zeit verbracht haben. Ich habe den heutigen Look zu der Marina Hoermanseder Show getragen, die für uns immer ein kleines Highlight ist. Die femininen, verspielten Schnitte und die süßen Farbkombinationen gefallen uns nämlich sehr. Ich habe für diesen Anlass einen Look aus einigen alten und einigen neuen Teilen gewählt. Die gemusterte Palazzohose kennt ihr bereits aus dem vergangenen Jahr. Ich finde den fließenden, leichten Stoff perfekt für warme Sommertage. Durch das Muster und den Schnitt wird sie zum Hingucker. Dazu habe ich ein ebenfalls fließendes Croptop und meine Plateau Pantoletten von UGG kombiniert. Wie gefällt euch das Outfit? Ich wünsche euch eine schöne Woche.

Hey guys! As you probably noticed we were attending the Berlin Fashion Week last week. While Laura already showed you her outfit from the first day, I will begin with my last look from the Fashion Week. Of course it is always super interesting to see the new collections and enjoy the fashion shows, but for us it is also important to meet some new bloggergirls. Particularly we spent some lovely time with Ruth, Diana, Nele  and Ruth (again). I wore today’s look for the Marina Hoermanseder Show which is always a little highlight for us as we love her feminine and colourful designs. Unfortunately I did not manage to take good pictures but if you’re curious just google it, you won’t be disappointed. For this occasion I chose a look with some new pieces like the flowy nude croptop or the cute quilted bag from Marc B and some old pieces like my printed palazzo pants from Bershka. I love the airy silhouette mixed with the soft yet modern colour scheme of the look. What do you think? Have a lovely week! :)

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

Berlin Fashion Week Outfit Printed Palazzo Pants Parallel Lines Croptop Nude Shirt wide marlene hose marc b bag quay marble sunglasses girl streetstyle modeblog berlin samieze

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