![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-xYmDWS.jpeg)
Riani, Dimitri, Rebekka Ruétz & Marina Hoermanseder.
Das sind meine persönlichen Highlights der Berlin Fashion Week. Warum?
Das deutsche Label Riani schaffte es, dass ich mich sofort in die Siebziger zurück versetzt fühlte und nur noch den Wunsch verspürte, mich in wallende, zarte und elegante Kleider in lindgrün, türkis oder weiß, in transparente Stoffe, Spitze oder Wildleder zu hüllen.
Auch der italienische Designer Dimitri setzt für F/S 2016 auf die Siebziger - allerdings etwas rockiger, wilder & jünger als Riani. Zu sehen gab es viel Leder, Schlag, Fransen und handgefertigte Stoffe aus Indien & Marokko. Mein persönliches Highlight der Kollektion, das wir sicher noch oft im nächsten Jahr sehen werden: Ein üppig verzierter Hüftgürtel.
Die Tiroler Designerin Rebekka Ruétz hat mich mit viel mexikanischer Farbenfreude, extravaganten Blumenprints und vor allem außergewöhnlichen Schnitten & Materialmixen überzeugt. Auch Ruétz setzt auf breite Gürtel im nächsten Frühjahr/Sommer - allerdings sitzen sie bei ihr in der Taille und erinnern mit einer überdimensional großen Schnalle & Schlaufe ein wenig an den gestiefelten Kater. Ein lässiger Stilbruch zu eleganten Kleidern.
Bei der Wienerin Marina Hoermanseder liebe ich, wie perfekt & harmonisch sie Gegensätze verbindet: Liebliche & zarte Designs mit dem typischen skulpturalen Einsatz von Leder, Lederriemen und Schnallen. Romantik mit Designs aus der österreich-ungarischem Monarchie. Trotz außergewöhnlicher Schnitte & Materialien bleiben ihre Designs für mich immer elegant und sehr tragbar - bis auf wenige Ausnahmen.
Mein Fazit der Runway Shows der Berlin Fashion Week: Ich freue mich jetzt schon auf einen sehr farbenfrohen Sommer 2016 mit vielen Ethno-Einflüssen, tollen Schnitten & Materialien! - Geht's Euch beim Anblick dieser Fotos genau so? Was sind denn Eure Lieblinge?
Riani, Dimitri, Rebekka Ruétz & Marina Hoermanseder.
These are my very personal German label Riani made me feel like I'm in the Seventies dreaming of wearing soft, flowing & elegant dresses in lime green, turquoise or white, transparent materials, lace or suede leather.Even Italian designer Dimitri focus on the Seventies for S/S 2016 - but more rocking, wild & younger than Riani. Lots of leather, flared legs, fringes and handcrafted fabrics from India & Morocco could be seen an the show. I think that we'll see my personal highlight of the collection next year quite often: Opulently decorated hip belt.Tyrolean designer Rebekka Ruétz convinced me with lots of Mexican pleasure of colors, flamboyant floral prints and especially with extraordinary cuts & material mixes. Even Ruétz focussed on wide belts - but draped on waist and remembering at Puss in Boots with its oversized buckle and bow. A really cool break in style to chic dresses.Why I'm so in love with designs of Viennese Marina Hoermanseder? She combines extremes so perfectly and harmonically: Sweet & soft designs with her typically sculptural use of leather, straps and buckles. Romance with designs of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. But despite of extraordinarily cuts & materials her designs are always chic and wearable - apart from a few exceptions.
My conclusion of Berlin Fashion Week runway shows: I'm really looking forward to a really colorful summer 2016 with lots of ethnic influences, amazing cuts & materials! - Do you think the same? What are your favorite designs?
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-EoOM7B.jpeg)
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-8x8Nv8.jpeg)
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-GS36nq.jpeg)
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-hsJkcz.jpeg)
(c) Getty Images
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri / key piece 2016 / it piece 2016 / must have 2016 Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-fw_ueu.jpeg)
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri / key piece 2016 / it piece 2016 / must have 2016 Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-fvhQUv.jpeg)
(c) imaxtree
Rebekka Ruétz
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri / key piece 2016 / it piece 2016 / must have 2016 Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-InQ4tg.jpeg)
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri / key piece 2016 / it piece 2016 / must have 2016 Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-0cDynX.jpeg)
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri / key piece 2016 / it piece 2016 / must have 2016 Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-5ygX8h.jpeg)
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri / key piece 2016 / it piece 2016 / must have 2016 Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-IyBpGV.jpeg)
(c) Getty Images
Marina Hoermanseder
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri / key piece 2016 / it piece 2016 / must have 2016 Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-1QQTjU.jpeg)
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri / key piece 2016 / it piece 2016 / must have 2016 Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-8Hnftg.jpeg)
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri / key piece 2016 / it piece 2016 / must have 2016 Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-nqAPiI.jpeg)
![collected by Katja / Modeblog Österreich / Austrian fashion blog / street style / street style Österreich / street style blog / personal style blog / fashion trend summer 2016 / Modetrends Sommer 2016 / top trends 2016 / Berlin Fashion Week / Fashionblogger Streetstyle Berlin / Blogger style Berlin / blogger street style fashion week / Rebekka Ruétz / Marina Hoermanseder / Riani / Dimitri / key piece 2016 / it piece 2016 / must have 2016 Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-E3w025.jpeg)
(c) Kowa Berlin
Österreichs Modeblog "collected by Katja" auf /Austrian street style fashion blog "collected by Katja" on
![Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-78fHWl.png)
![Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-uZ2MvC.jpeg)
![Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-GJi4Kx.jpeg)
![Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-Ccyzoe.jpeg)
![Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks Berlin Fashion Week - Favorite runway looks](http://m3.paperblog.com/i/102/1023205/berlin-fashion-week-favorite-runway-looks-L-5yUowI.jpeg)