Ayutthaya - Once City of the Kings, today City of the Dragons

Today I went for a daytrip to the old city of the Kings, called Ayutthaya.
It was very hot and I travelled by bus. Once arrived I walked around and took a look at one of the parcs with ruins.
You can see there a lot of ruins over a big area and also a lot of storks. And from one of these storks, I would take a picture.
As I turned around I saw this guy:
Ayutthaya  -  Once City of the Kings, today City of the Dragons
I turn around and saw him
Ayutthaya  -  Once City of the Kings, today City of the Dragons
I was afraid and fascinated at the same time, because I wished to see a waran in the nature, when he is moving. Not like the Warans in the Zoo of Singapore. They are lying in a corner and don´t move.
Ayutthaya  -  Once City of the Kings, today City of the DragonsHe is called Bindenwaran in german
Ayutthaya  -  Once City of the Kings, today City of the Dragons
This one was 1,50 meter long and very fast, espacially in the water.
Ayutthaya  -  Once City of the Kings, today City of the Dragons
An excellent swimmer and diving until 10 minutes
The other one was even longer and I guess, it is not the same kind of Waran. He was around 2 meters long and not as fast as the first one, but he looks more dangerous. He was not afraid of me, like the first one.
Ayutthaya  -  Once City of the Kings, today City of the Dragons
That is Number 2, the bigger one and I am not sure if it is the same kind
He only hided once a time behind a tree, but it doesn`t work, because he was to big. Then he went into the water again.
Ayutthaya  -  Once City of the Kings, today City of the Dragons
Hide and Seek
Ayutthaya  -  Once City of the Kings, today City of the Dragons

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