E Since I missed the whole German summer trough my journey to Cape Town, it's autumn now. Last year I didn't make any autumn pictures and so I had to catch up on that now. Like I already told you I visited "Planten un Blomen" last weekend. And while in the greenhouses everything is flourishing, outside it's nice autumnal. Although they say in Hamburg it's always raining and windy, we have some really nice and sunny autumn days here. Another surprise of this city, generally I'm really happy here. Autumn is - after spring - my second favorite season. I love this beautiful play of colors, especially in great sunlight. Maybe I should try to photograph some colorful leaves in twilight. But it's getting dark so soon, that's what I hate on winter...So what do you think about my first autumn pictures?
D Nachdem ich durch meine Reise nach Kapstadt den Sommer in Deutschland verpasst habe, ist jetzt schon wieder Herbst. Letztes Jahr habe ich es nicht einmal geschafft herbstliche Bilder zu schießen und deshalb habe ich mich dieses Jahr mal daran gemacht. Letztes Wochenende war ich - wie schon erzählt - in Planten un Blomen hier in Hamburg. Und während in den Gewächshäusern noch alles blüht, ist es draußen schön herbstlich. Obwohl es heißt, dass es in Hamburg immer nur regnet und windig ist, haben wir im Moment richtig schöne Herbsttage. Also noch eine positive Überraschung von dieser Stadt, ich bin allgemein sehr glücklich hier. Der Herbst ist nach dem Frühling meine Zweitlieblingsjahreszeit. Ich liebe dieses schöne Farbspiel im Herbst, vor allem in schönem Sonnenlicht. Vielleicht sollte ich mal probieren ein paar farbige Blätter in Dämmerlicht zu fotografieren, aber es wird immer so früh dunkel. Das ist, was ich am Winter hasse...Na was sagt ihr zu meinen ersten Herbstbildern?
E Since I missed the whole German summer trough my journey to Cape Town, it's autumn now. Last year I didn't make any autumn pictures and so I had to catch up on that now. Like I already told you I visited "Planten un Blomen" last weekend. And while in the greenhouses everything is flourishing, outside it's nice autumnal. Although they say in Hamburg it's always raining and windy, we have some really nice and sunny autumn days here. Another surprise of this city, generally I'm really happy here. Autumn is - after spring - my second favorite season. I love this beautiful play of colors, especially in great sunlight. Maybe I should try to photograph some colorful leaves in twilight. But it's getting dark so soon, that's what I hate on winter...So what do you think about my first autumn pictures?
E Since I missed the whole German summer trough my journey to Cape Town, it's autumn now. Last year I didn't make any autumn pictures and so I had to catch up on that now. Like I already told you I visited "Planten un Blomen" last weekend. And while in the greenhouses everything is flourishing, outside it's nice autumnal. Although they say in Hamburg it's always raining and windy, we have some really nice and sunny autumn days here. Another surprise of this city, generally I'm really happy here. Autumn is - after spring - my second favorite season. I love this beautiful play of colors, especially in great sunlight. Maybe I should try to photograph some colorful leaves in twilight. But it's getting dark so soon, that's what I hate on winter...So what do you think about my first autumn pictures?