[#411] Let’s Play League of Legends! by THC [HD][German] – Akali Gameplay

Team: Akali (THC), Tristana (Buck), Amumu (Chulan), Sona (Yig), Kha’Zix (xXxGumby) Gegnerisches Team: Lee Sin, Brand, Nunu, Kha’Zix, Vayne ► Playlists ◄ ► Staffel 1 (1-200) goo.gl ► Staffel 2 (201-400) goo.gl ► Staffel 3 (401-600) goo.gl ► LoLCasts goo.gl Skins in diesem Spiel: Cryocore Brand Aristocrat Vayne Mecha Kha’Zix Sad Robot Amumu Bemerkungen: – EUW Server: THCsGameChannel – NA Server: THC germany ► Homepage ◄ leagueoflegends.com

Quelle: Youtube

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