【1 CLICK】 Crack Microsoft Office 2019 Successful 100% Without Software

Hello, hello you are reading on Blog Apps4success.net. Today I will bring one special thing, which is to help people activate the latest version of Microsoft Office 2019 offline.

Microsoft Office 2019 has (codename Office 17) the current and latest version of the Microsoft Office office suite, which is the "junior" version of Office 2016 that will replace it in the coming years. Office 2019 was released for general availability for Windows 10 and for macOS on September 24, 2018.

Because it is a new version, the software has many great improvements. The number of people switching from the old versions such as Office 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 to the 2019 version is very large. Because of its hot level, I have shown you how to crack Office 2019 today

What is Crack Office 2019?

In this section, I will explain the term "crack Office 2019". Crack is we proceed to activate the license "for free" without having to spend money to buy an activation key.

Currently, there are many ways to crack Office 2019 online. Each software has its own advantages and disadvantages. These include KMSpico, Microsoft Toolkit, CMD .. and many other tools. But today I will show you how to activate Office 2019 with CMD Permanently.

All ways to activate Office 2019 have the same method which is to use Microsoft KMS.

KMS is an abbreviation of English Microsoft Key Management, temporarily translated by Microsoft License Key Management Server. This is a legitimate service provided under the Microsoft Volume Activation 2.0 solution, used to activate a large number of Microsoft software for companies. KMS enables automatic activation of Microsoft products for enterprise companies to replace individual activation ones.

Advantages of Active Office 2019

As I said above, these activation methods are using Microsoft KMS. The shelf life of KMS is only 180 days, equivalent to 6 months. For further use, KMS extension is required. For the way I am about to guide below has overcome the biggest weakness of this activation method, is that you only need to activate it once and use forever

Active office 2019 advantages

  • Safe but highly effective without viruses
  • Simple, just a few clicks can activate
  • Use Office 2019 copyright for free for life
  • Not turning off antivirus software....
  • No knowledge or technology required to activate
  • Activate permanently

Office 2019 versions can be active

  • Office 2019 Home and Student
  • Office 2019 Personal
  • Office 2019 Home and Business
  • Office 2019 Professional
  • Office 2019 Professional Plus

Instructions for activating Office 2019

Here I will show you how to activate Office 2019. If you do not know how to do it 1, then try method 2 to ensure 100% success always offline.

Method 1: Manually activate Office 2019 with CMD

Step 1: First you need to open 1 file txt. Go out of the desktop, right-click on any empty area on the screen, select New> Select Text Document.

【1 CLICK】 Crack Microsoft Office 2019 Successful 100% Without Software

Step 2: Copy the code below and paste it into the newly created .txt file.

 @echo off title Activate Microsoft Office 2019 ALL versions mienphi! & cls & echo ==================================== ======================================== & echo # Microsoft Office 2019 Activation License - Not available, mem & echo ============================================= =============================== & echo. & echo # Product Support: & echo - Microsoft Office Standard 2019 & echo - Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 & echo. & Echo. & (If exist "% ProgramFiles% Microsoft OfficeOffice16ospp.vbs" cd / d "% ProgramFiles% Microsoft OfficeOffice16") & (if exist "% ProgramFiles (x86)% Microsoft OfficeOffice16ospp.vbs" cd / d "% ProgramFiles (x86)% Microsoft OfficeOffice16 ") & (for / f %% x in ('dir / b ..rootLicenses16ProPlus2019VL * .xrm-ms') by cscript ospp.vbs /inslic:"..rootLicenses16%%x"> nul) & (for / f %% x in ('dir / b ..rootLicenses16ProPlus2019VL * .xrm-ms') by cscript ospp.vbs /inslic:"..rootLicenses16%%x "> nul) & echo. & echo == ==================================================== ======================== & echo Activat ing your Office ... & cscript // nologo ospp.vbs / unpkey: 6MWKP> nul & cscript // nologo ospp.vbs / inpkey: NMMKJ-6RK4F-KMJVX-8D9MJ-6MWKP> nul & set i = 1: server if% i% == 1 set KMS_Sev = kms7.MSGuides.com if% i% == 2 set KMS_Sev = kms8.MSGuides.com if% i% == 3 set KMS_Sev = kms9.MSGuides.com if% i% == 4 goto notsupported cscript / / nologo ospp.vbs / sethst:% KMS_Sev%> nul & echo ===================================== ========================================= & echo. & echo. cscript // nologo ospp.vbs / act | find / i "successful" & (echo. & echo ======================================= ======================================= & choice / n / c YN / m "Access topthuthuat. vn: [Y, N]? "  & if errorlevel 2 exit) || (echo Ket followed with a KMS not successful! Login again ... & echo Please give ... & echo. & echo. & set / a i + = 1 & goto server) explorer "http: // topthuthuat.vn "& goto halt: notsupported echo. & echo ======================================= ===================================== & echo Your Office version is not supported. & echo Download The latest version is here: https://ngukiemphithien.vn/:h

Step 3: After pasting into the notepad we will be like the following image:

【1 CLICK】 Crack Microsoft Office 2019 Successful 100% Without Software

Step 4: To save the file, click File> Select Save as ...

Step 5: Rename the file to activeoffice2019.cmd as shown below and press the Save button to save the file.

【1 CLICK】 Crack Microsoft Office 2019 Successful 100% Without Software

Step 6: Go out of the desktop screen, right-click the activeoffice2019.cmd file just created in step 5. Select Run as administrator

Method 2: Activate Office 2019 automatically with CMD

The above method has guided you to make a manual cmd file to activate Office 2019. This second way I have created the CMD activation file for you, you just need to download and use.

Step 1: Download the CMD activation file http://www.fshare.vn/file/EXACLM4GNLT1

Step 2 : Extract the file, and go to the extracted folder. Right-click the activeoffice2019 file and select the words Run as administrator

【1 CLICK】 Crack Microsoft Office 2019 Successful 100% Without Software

Step 3: The black CMD screen appears, press Enter to start activating Office 2019,

Method 3: Activate Office 2019 with KMSpico

【1 CLICK】 Crack Microsoft Office 2019 Successful 100% Without Software

Kmspico is a tool to support activating Office and Windows versions. You can see the user guide and download the latest version of KMSpico at the article:

Hehe, that's it. I have instructed you to complete the activation of Office 2019 for free extremely quickly, with only a few steps you can activate Office 2019 successfully. If you have any questions, please comment below the article to answer me.

Guide to download and Crack Office 2019 with KMSpico

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