Some comments on UNTHINKABLE

Some comments on UNTHINKABLE
There are definitely too few reviews out there when it comes to UNTHINKABLE, one of the most thrilling and morally engaging thrillers I get to know. Not just because this is a movie many people should see (even if - and especially when - they don't dig it). And believe me, I don't get any money for promoting UNTHINKABLE.
I just think this is one interesting, thrilling and even important movie - at least when it comes to its issue and the way it is treated in a genre world.
So in addition to my own text here some other voices I was able to find at the Internet:
"Where Unthinkable ends, exposing a bit of a plot hole in the process, leaves it open to the viewers interpretation, the proper way to end to avoid exposing political bias some would call the film out for. It is a difficult situation with no clean answer, one that opens debate amongst viewers, making them question their own stance. That gives the film a bit of unexpected power, a lasting impression that makes the entire process worth sitting through, despite the scripting and budget constraints."
"When the time comes and Unthinkable hits the shelves, RUN don’t walk to your nearest video retailer and pick this up on either Blu Ray or DVD, because you will be in for a suspenseful, climatic treat of a film that doesn’t pull any punches."
Here two critical statements which in my opinion are indeed justified but also counterbalanced by other aspects of the movie:
"Throughout "Unthinkable," the filmmakers strive mightily -- and at times, much too obviously -- for balance and perspective. The give-and-take between opposing characters is passionately played, but the actual dialogue often sounds like excerpts from op-ed essays constructed from talking points. Worse, there is a distractingly bumpy, start-and-stop quality to the narrative as the heated arguments (and the bloody torture sessions) continue.2
"We never really get to know any of the key players, from Younger’s inscrutable villain to Jackson’s antihero. The one character shown a measure of depth belongs to Moss. The “Matrix” beauty begins as a bleeding heart caricature but grows to appreciate H’s approach to his craft – to a point."
The film’s politics can be a chore to decipher, and summing up the talking point tally requires a spoiler warning. Suffice to say both sides of the interrogation debate get their say, but neither proves convincing – or authentic."

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