outfit – back from mallorca

Those who follow along on Instagram have probably seen that I spend a few days in Mallorca last week. My family was invited to a wedding and I was watching my baby nephew, who's now four months old. I flew to Berlin a couple of days after he was born and he was so, so tiny back then. Now four months later he got so big and it was so much fun getting to know the newest member to our family a little bit better - he's already such a personality and has a killer smile (I already know he'll be such a heartbreaker once he grows up!). But let me tell you, a baby is such a full-time job. You moms all around the world are so impressive

Once again, I'm wearing a jumpsuit. They are so easy to wear and go with all body types. Plus, this one is made from the softest fabric ever, it's such light and airy - I love it for hot summer days. Aren't vacations the best thing ever? It takes almost nothing to get ready: step out of the shower, no blow dry required, no make-up required. Nothing. Pure happiness.

outfit – back from mallorcaoutfit – back from mallorca outfit – back from mallorca outfit – back from mallorca outfit – back from mallorca

jumpsuit - ASOS // sunnies - Illesteva // shoes - GAP

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