Monday to go: fur poncho and studded heels

Monday to go: fur poncho and studded heels
fur poncho: SmartGirl (new) || skirt: Zara || long sleeve: H&M  || studded heels: Zara || bag: Madleine || necklace: Machima ||  beanie: H&M || watch: DKNY || bangles: H&M
I must confess that I really like wearing fur in the winter time. This poncho has me very excited because it is absolutely cozy and yet affordable. And yes, I wear open-toed shoes. Very risky in a snowstorm and cold. These heels are actually one of my oldest pairs, but absolutely perfect for the studded trend! You like it?
Ich muss gestehen, dass ich im Winter sehr gerne mal Fell trage. Dieser Poncho hat es mir sehr angetan, weil er absolut kuschelig ist und trotzdem erschwinglich. Und ja, ich trage offene Schuhe. Sehr gewagt bei Schneesturm und Kälte. Diese Heels sind sogar eins meiner ältesten Paare, aber total im Nieten-Trend! Gefällt es euch?
Monday to go: fur poncho and studded heels
Monday to go: fur poncho and studded heels
Monday to go: fur poncho and studded heels
Monday to go: fur poncho and studded heels
Monday to go: fur poncho and studded heels
Monday to go: fur poncho and studded heels
Monday to go: fur poncho and studded heels
Monday to go: fur poncho and studded heels
Monday to go: fur poncho and studded heels

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