email-Aufruf für Frieden in Libyen – spenden Sie 1 Minute!

email-Aufruf für Frieden in Libyen – spenden Sie 1 Minute!von John Schacher

Eine hervorragende Initiative aufgreifend, möchte ich die Leserschaft bitten, nach Möglichkeit eine Minute Zeit in die Förderung einer friedlichen Lösung des Libyen-Konfliktes zu investieren und nachfolgende Petition an die Botschafter Russlands und Chinas bei der UN zu senden.

Inhaltlich beschreibt die Petition moderat das große durch die NATO ausgelöste menschliche Leid in Libyen, berichtet unter anderem von der Zerstörung des Wassernetzes durch die NATO-Bomben und ersucht hinsichtlich der UN-Resolution 1973 um den Gebrauch des VETORECHTES durch Russland und China. Auf eine wortwörtliche Übersetzung habe ich verzichtet (Übersetzungsprogramm). Bitte helfen Sie mit! Dadurch geben auch Sie einen Tropfen Löschwasser in das Gefäß der Feuerwehr, statt nur zuzusehen!

Englischsprachige Leser können auch direkt anrufen:

Please call Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Security Council, Ambassador Churkin and ask him to revoke UNSC 1973. The numbers are as follows: +1 212 861 4903 (HIS SECRETARY/ASSISTANT) AND +1 212 861 4327 (PRESS OFFICE).

Senden Sie ihre e-mails an:

a) RUSSLAND: [email protected], [email protected]
b) CHINA: [email protected]

URGENT: Please stop NATO’s Attacks on Libya – Looming Humanitarian Crisis

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Dear Ambassador:Please put an immediate stop to NATO’s war of aggression against Libya by revoking UNSC 1973 (“the Resolution”).The Resolution was passed based on the allegation that the Libyan government had attacked defenseless civilians. This has proven false. The situation is one of internal armed conflict aggravated by unnecessary foreign interference on the side of counter-revolutionaries against the Libyan government in order to secure specific geo-strategic and economic interests. Furthermore, NATO has far exceeded the provisions of the Resolution.
1. NATO is not protecting civilians

a) NATO has been bombing Libya for almost 5 months during which time over 1,200 civilians have been killed, approximately 7,000 physically injured, and long term injuries from bomb ingredients yet to be determined;
b) NATO’s bombs have impacted the psychological health of Libyans and stress-related illnesses, miscarriages, and suicides have sharply increased;
c) The Tripoli airport radar tower was bombed this month along with food warehouses and numerous civilian locations in grave breach of the Geneva Convention;
d) On 21 July 2011, NATO bombed Libya’s water facility and then the factory that produces pipes to repair the water system.  NATO has compromised the source of drinking water for all of Libya. Libya is now on the brink of a humanitarian disaster.
e) On 25 July 2011, the Libyan insurgents flew over Brega for approximately 8 hours in violation of UNSC 1973 which declared a no-fly zone over Libya. NATO also bombed a hospital in Zlitan killing seven people, three of whom were doctors. There are no military facilities in the area.

2. Ceasefire and Peace Process

Please implement an immediate ceasefire as was requested in the opening paragraph of UNSC 1973. Please withdraw any and all foreign troops on the ground in Libya, and initiate pursuit of peaceful resolution of the conflict with the assistance of Russia, China, and the African Union which, as the regional body to which Libya belongs, has a central role to play in ending this war.

Yours sincerely,
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